Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Planetary empires project

After an enormous amount of deliberation and list writing (35 in all) Ive settled on Tyranids, mainly because the image of 2,500pts of nids pouring over a board is to good to pass up. So much needs to be done, things expanded, basing improved and things made.

Speaking of things made, work has already begun. Stage 1 Parasite or Mortrex and Harpy are now complete, improved basing and possibly other enhancements will be made army wide when its all in at least a playable condition. Without further rambling I give you...

The parasite of Mortrex

and my Harpy


  1. Good work fella. 2.5K of those black and yellow nids is fightening to be frank!

  2. Cheers bud. Its hell of a good fun and the image of 'that many nids!' is pretty cool, just need to finish them.

  3. Get ready for a bad back after the weekend your gonna spend it hunched moving all those minis!

  4. its the being too pissed to play thing that bothers me the most.

  5. Certainly is a lovely, and some what terrifying 2500pts list.
    Glad your on my side for the tournament that's for sure!

    Models look lovely too, will be nice to see them all once completed.
