Saturday, 12 May 2012

Bellys gonna get ya

Hes a big fat mess but I like him. Im looking forward to giving Rasheth a try, it will be a very different style to my normal favourite Hexeris. Titan sentry done too, with the Bronzeback on the way and Lord Arbiter Hexeris started too. What will be next after that? Who knows, got a few new toys in the form of Tyrant Vorkesh and a Cyclops Shaman; so maybe cataphracts next or perhaps nip the cyclops off first.

Also very sorry to hear of Lukes Burglary, Ill keep my eyes peeled for any sign of you Orboros models.


  1. Hurray for big fat skorne man!

    Ive always liked the look of Rasheth - I think he'd go well with an army of minions.

    Thanks for comments re burglary - just about over it lol.

    You guys down at the club tomorrow?

  2. Minions are in the tier for him so very possibly yea and its looking likely to be down tonight :)
